Friday, October 24, 2008

I saw Annozero, a program on Italian national TV.

Italian government is promoting a reform of the education system. The "left" say that italian Education system is fifth in Europe, so it should not be touched. Especially they say that no budgets cuts should be done.

The conductor of the program is all for this theory. The head of the opposition, mr. Veltroni was there too. Saying the same things: this reform is dangerous, Berlusconi is dangerous. He also pointed out that Italian democracy is in danger too.

If you are a foreigner, please understand that these people are maniacs. They live in a self constructed world. They are detached from reality. They feed their spirits with anger, envy and empty words.

Actually our education system is afflicted by many problems. Nepotism and clientelism are just the most renown examples. Our education system is not working well. This is demonstrated by the fact that we do not have American, British of French going to study in Italy.

Our first university, the university of Rome (or Bologna depends on the ranking you look at) are placed well after the 100th position in world rankings. After all major europeans and US universities and after many asian universities.

What shall we do....? Follow the confused fears of Veltroni and keep the "status quo", or try our luck and do the reforms proposed by Berlusconi.

Well... I surely go for the reforms.


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